Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Reading in the bath

I started reading a new book the other day. It was one that the daughter had read and said that it would make me cry. It has been made into a film, and I have seen that film, and don't normally hold by the idea of seeing the film first. It's never the same. Anyway, I digress. I was taking a long hot and well deserved soak in the bath, and so picked up this book to read.

A couple of things struck me. In the book, the young man is dying, and he proclaims his regret at not having the privilege of getting old. Having already started to dread my next birthday, in May, this made me rethink the idea of clocking up further numbers on the birthday counter. I mentally chastised myself. I had unwittingly started to consider how I was not going to bother with my birthday this year, would let it pass quietly and without any fuss and in fact almost pretend it wasn't happening. Last year was a big birthday, which I celebrated by writing the book I had promised myself my whole life. That done, I have stumbled and faltered with the sequel but with less urgency.

The point to all this, and the realisation I came to, was that it IS a privilege to get older and that we shouldn't take it for granted. I SHOULD celebrate! To celebrate being alive and rejoice in everything I am so grateful for. If my book is published, that will be a happy bonus, but if not, well it's not actually the end of the world, is it.  Its still a couple of months away, but I have stopped being bothered by it quite so much. Like my friends say, it's only a number.

The other thing that struck me was how the book was written - the language used, the plot, the structure and so on. It is a "nice" book (don't hate me for using that word - not the writer's best choice of vocabulary, I know) but it cheered me no end that I know, I mean I absolutely KNOW that my book is at least as well written and with just as interesting a plot. Now I just have to make someone else to realise my vision. That book has been massively successful and I feel even more that Sadie has a future. The "things going on behind the scenes" are still going on so we will wait and see how that pans out. I think a bit of self belief is important if you are going to get anywhere - why bother if you don't think you have a chance?

 All things considered, although I have only read the first few chapters of the book, I am rather pleased with myself that I did so. And, by the way, the only place I seem to get chance to read is in the bath, being a busy mum, wife, teacher, writer, baker of cakes and all round creative person, I don't really get much peace and quiet.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.....

Meanwhile, as always, have a great week!
 (not me in the photo, by the way! )

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Another cake!

Think I  mentioned that I had been busy with another birthday a few weeks ago - here's a photo of the birthday cake for this one. Feeling a bit chuffed with myself, have to say! (Made the cake and helmet, but had to buy the bike - still............)

Submitting articles to magazines

Not everyone is trying to write a novel, and I had a look at some tips for submitting articles to magazines. You might find this interesting, although I seem to be struggling to post automatic links - copy to address bar to take a look.

Essential Steps to Submitting an Article to a Magazine

Friday, 22 March 2013

Are you writing a book?

hoping this link works, but if not, just copy and paste into address bar to take a look.

Book Publishers UK

Finding the Perfect Book Publisher In The UK

You come up with an idea and pen your thoughts. After creating a manuscript, you decide to sell your work to a book publishing company and try to get published—only to hear the news that it wouldn’t sell. That’s when self-publishing comes in. But finding the right self-publisher in the United Kingdom can be time-consuming. With a lot of publishing companies out in the market, deciding on the best can be a tedious process.
If you are looking for the perfect publisher to submit a manuscript to, there’s no need to look any further. We at Book Publishers UK know what’s best for you. With one click, a complete range of publishing packages and services and tools are available for you to choose from. Whether you’re writing a children’s book, poetry book, autobiography, or even a memoir, you can customise your publishing experience and still retain the rights to your written work. Take the leap towards becoming a full-fledged author with a book to call your own living legacy. Your ideas are too priceless to be left unnoticed, so go ahead and let us help you immortalise your words on the pages of a book.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Just thought this was funny - especially the Einstein one.....

Follow your dreams - repost

I saw this on a post and it just about sums up where I am coming from!

An epiphany

I hope to have some exciting news to share next week. Well, I will have news to share, fingers crossed that it will be exciting, but it will be a massive update on what has been going on. If things haven't worked out as I hoped, then I will share what my next steps will be - after all the whole point of this in the first place was to share my journey, and I feel a bit mean that I have been keeping certain things to myself. I have never been one to sit about waiting for things to happen to me - I am a big believer in making things happen for yourself  after all we only get one life don't we? (Not a Buddhist, obviously....)

So whilst waiting, I have been reviewing where I am up to with my writing, what to do next and how to proceed, as you do. I have struggled with making progress on Book 2, not with the writing, but simply with the fact that something didn't feel right and I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. This is the thing - The epiphany. I am not sure if Albie should be Book 3, and that Book 3 should in fact be Book 2. Should I currently be working on the follow up? 

I know this makes no difference to anyone really, but as I am just sharing my thoughts, well, this is where I am at. I would hope, at best, that readers would become so involved in the characters that they want to know what comes next, where as currently Book 2 is the prequel. The prequel explains certain things in Book 1, so I now have this dilemma.

I'm sure I will work it out, and thanks for staying with me this far, as I am very aware that I am rambling a little! I will continue to follow other writers as I am extremely interested in the journey of others struggling with writing dilemmas of all kinds. Good luck to all of us!

Have a great week!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Happy Mother's Day! Please pass on x

My mum is amazing. She is well into her seventies (although would not thank me for telling you that!) and is the most thoughtful, considerate, selfless, kind and loving person I have ever known, and she is a true inspiration. She has had a fruitful working life, raised 3 girls and is now happily retired. At my age (refusing to disclose! hehe) I am very lucky to still have her, and many of my friends are much less fortunate. We don't always appreciate what we have until we don't have it any more, but this is certainly not the case with me and my mum. I see her every week, speak to her every few days, text her regularly and hope to continue for a long time yet to come. I am a lucky girl indeed.

So on Mother's Day, I just wanted to spread the love. I know that we are all busy, and the writers amongst you being busy means that you have lots to write about and once you are in the zone, you are gone for as long as it takes. But shouldn't we all take time, if we can, to show a little appreciation to those we love, whilst we can? Not only mum, but all of those supporting us whilst we try to make our dreams come true?

Anyway, happy Mother's Day, Mum. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given, not only in my writing, but in everything.
I love you.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

please share - Tiny Dancer

Just wanted to share with you a video by up and coming young singer Tiny Dancer. I have watched this young lady grow up and she is very talented - she has big things ahead of her and I just know she is going to do brilliantly. Remember the name!!

how long to wait?

Its been an eventful few weeks, which is why my writing has slowed on here a bit, and I am feeling an enormous sense of anticlimax right now. After a big 18th birthday, a trip to Belgium on a mini cruise and then a big 21st party for which I baked, shopped, decorated, shopped, made a film montage and baked again, it suddenly hit me how old my children actually are (and how old does that make me....?)

So I have done very little writing of any kind over the last few weeks, and hardly been to the gym, and now it's time to get back into a routine. I pondered my previous decision to rewrite the beginning of Albie, and have made no move here for now - my brain activity during my promised recent gym workout led me in the direction of leaving things as they are for now and editing later. How long do I wait before I make my mind up? (rhetorical question only - I will get there....!)

In addition to this is my impatience at waiting whilst "things" are going on behind the scenes with regard to Sadie's House. How long do I wait if nothing else is happening? What exactly IS happening? Where, with whom, and in what capacity. An exercise in patience indeed, and no doubt good for the soul, but I am itching  to get things moving. how long do I wait?????

Meanwhile, back to the storyboard, and I will keep on passing any useful tips and information that I come across.
Have a great week - Spring is just around the corner!