So, what have I been up to?
Well I would love to report that Sadie had been snatched up by a major publisher and that I had been so busy with the editing team and preparations for publication that I just haven't had the time. Sadly, this is not the case. Not yet, at least. I have, however, entered a major competition which goes on until July, so we will see how that goes. The journey of the would be novelist intrigues me, but never disappoints me. Yes, there have been several letters which amount to polite rejections. There have been some submissions which have gong unanswered, and one offer of publication if I meet part of the cost but I have to admit that still my submissions total less than a dozen and when compared with the number of times certain best sellers were rejected, I have nothing to worry about. Some of the very best things took time to get off the ground (Queen did not take off in the US for many years, Abba were not immediately successful and don't even get me started on certain books.......)
Do I seem defensive? I hope not, and I don't mean to either. I hope that my journey might inspire or comfort others on the same path. I believe in Sadie so wholeheartedly that I know it is only a matter of time..... but even that isn't true really, is it? If I just leave her in the drawer, all the time in the world isn't going to get her published.
So what is the hold up? (And my husband just echoed those same thoughts as I write!)
Last year I decided to edit, and I did so quite heavily. It concerned me that there were a few too many details about property renovation and not enough of the magic that underpinned the story. With this in mind I set about cutting, chopping and changing - keeping the integrity of the story but (hopefully) improving. And for a while therein lay the problem. I edited so much that I lost track of the beginning, lost a chapter, changed my mind, cut and paste again until the time came that I just had to put her away and take a good break from the whole thing. I recently went for a meal with a good friend and we were discussing the progress of the book and my editing. I explained where I was at and my particular dissatisfaction with the beginning of the book. I then went home and found the competition. It was this that spurred me on and I found that having had a good rest from it, I could go back with fresh eyes and solved the problems that had eluded me or several months.
So perhaps a lesson for some there - don't be in a hurry. If it is worth it, take your time. Go away from it then come back refreshed. It was amazing how rejuvenated I felt in visiting Sadie after this time and I am happy with where we re now. Not saying that there won't be other changes, but I am much happier with where we are at now.
So why haven't I blogged? To be honest I think it has just been a rest from Sadie and so I haven't felt the need to. Some might say that a true writer needs to write everyday and can't live without it, and that may be true. For some. But I am a teacher, with a full time job and a home to run. My eldest son left home and time has been spent (in between my tears for the uprooting of my first born) renovating and redecorating the house that he and his lovely girlfriend have bought. I have other hobbies, crafting being one and I spent some time making, mending and baking - still need that outlet for my creative urges!
What about Albie - the sequel? Well to be honest I have left him alone too for the time being. The notes have continued and I have a book full of ideas, dates, details and descriptions but no actual progress in the actual writing of the book. However, now Sadie is amended, it is time for me to go back to where we were and see what he has been up to in my absence.
So, with apologies for rambling on for so long, I would just like to say a big thank you to a patient husband and to some wonderful family and friends for all their support.
Here we go again. Wish me luck!