Not everything goes as straightforward as we would like it to. I have been thrilled to publish Sadie's House;The Key and have received some amazing feedback and great reviews. People are already asking for the sequel, which is halfway to completion and a project I am very excited about.
I have already said a couple of times that I had very difficult and personal reasons for publishing when and how I did. the book had been written and edited, then added to but I published in rather a hurry. I have to apologise profusely for the fact that there are a number of typing errors and (horrified expressions all round - a continuity error...!) that I had overlooked in proofreading.( This is particularly embarrassing when taken into consideration the fact that I am a teacher!!! I can almost hear the lynch mob banging on the door!) However, I have had emails and feedback reassuring me that the story was so enjoyable, that the errors are forgiven and the sequel eagerly awaited. Not from every reader, I hasten to add, and I know people will have their own opinions on this, but there you go.
So here are a couple of pleas.....Number 1, Check, double check, triple check, get someone else to check and check again that you have proof read your work before publishing. Don't rush into it and take your time and save yourself the embarrassment of having to explain yourself all over the place.
Who is it that said "act in haste, repent at leisure"? I don't regret what I did and if you knew you might be understanding of my circumstances (but enough of that sort of talk). But take a page from my book (not literally....although you might like to read it to see....) and be careful about making sure that your work is fully ready for publication. I will have Sadie reprinted at some point very soon, making the current book the First Edition but it hasn't been an ideal situation.
Number 2 - please take a look at my book and make your own mind up. It is available on Amazon for £2.99 for Kindle, or you can buy the paperback version on Amazon or Authorhouse.
And one more note - to the person who told me that I shouldn't advertise mistakes. you may be right, but I am an honest person with some integrity and feel that maybe others can learn from my experiences. I have a signing arranged for next year and one or two other things in the pipeline and it has been a steep learning curve. I am not deterred and I hope this will be a lesson for others too.
Good luck to all you budding writers out there!