Sunday, 20 December 2015

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
for Christmas this year,apart from the obvious world peace and harmony and an end to hunger (top of all our lists, I'm sure), I just have a few requests.

1 - Please return my sense of humour, which after a difficult 18 months, I seem to have misplaced. Word on the street from Elves Inc is that you may have come across it, left rather neglected and a bit battered, whilst I busied myself with other things. It's time to have it back now, methinks.
2 - I would like my body back too, if you don't mind. I know you don't have it, as I look down and there it is. However, if you can send a bit of will power mixed with a bit of good health then I can get back to the gym in the new year and get myself fit again.
3 - any chance you can send someone how to switch my brain off at bedtime please, as I would like to get a bit more that 3 hours sleep a night! I have ideas for half a dozen other books which keep me awake!
4 - give me a push to finish editing my second book and get it published! Then I need to start the third.

And please know that I am most grateful for
- my amazing family, without whose support I might have literally lost the plot sometime over the past couple of years!
-my lovely friends, whose jokes, gentle teasing and mickey taking have made me laugh, even when I thought I couldn't
-my job, which I love, even though its very difficult sometimes
-my home, my cat, and all the things that I am surrounded with.
-the support I have had from friends and complete strangers during my journey as a would-be author. It's very encouraging!

I doubt that I will blog again this year, mainly because I will be busy with family, Christmas, a holiday in a log cabin and preparations for the new year. So after what I can only call my #Annus Horriblus (well now I have something in common with the Queen!) it's time to move on. So I want to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can only hope for better times ahead. New Year, new start. It's all very personal, but it has been a part of my journey, which was the reason for this blog, warts and all.
Deep breath and fingers crossed. Here we go....................

PS  can I also have a new red bag please :)