Sunday, 30 September 2012

Taking a risk

I suppose writing is all about taking risks. You are exposing a part of your soul to the world, and that is a risk in itself! I have decided to put a brief synopsis on my blog page, and I am about to put a taster from Albie. Book Two, Albie's Story is the prequel, rather than the sequel, and that is another risk. Will readers be interested in history of the house, rather than what happens next? (Incidentally Book Three, The Healer, chronicles events 5 years after the first book. Confused? I'll risk it...)
Another risk is that this snippet is actually the epilogue, which is unusual for a taster. It doesn't give anything away, but rather feeds quite nicely (I think, anyway....) into book One. Just a way of trying to incite curiosity. If I gather enough interest, they will have to publish me. Won't they? (Another risk.....?)

Sadie's House, Book Two, Albie's Story.
They have all gone now. It’s been a while since the last one came, and they pushed, and poked, explored and talked. Two men came with talk of pulling me down, and there would be a shopping centre, they said. It’s on a hill, said one, but the other dismissed him and spoke of the position and the catchment. They argued and I grew angry. I wasn’t having any of that and for a moment I found the strength to summon the power and alter the universe. They will not be coming back. This house is not for sale.

This house remains. I know I am decaying, but it is only a matter of time. My doors and windows are boarded up, paintwork is peeling and chipped, floorboards are rotting. Dust and cobwebs lay thickly on every surface; I am sagging, burdened by the weight of age and neglect. My resplendent blue door is now faded, dirty and grey, it’s splintered peeling paint, chips, dents and cracks adding further depressing detail to my plight. The garden has become a jungle, unkempt and uncared for, the foliage is rampant, like unruly children scattered over the landscape, unsupervised. The well is invisible now, hidden behind dense undergrowth that will only thicken with time and age. Only shadows and echoes exist now of what was once here. But I am resolved. There will be no more despair. There will only be hope.

It’s only a matter of time. Eventually she will come. Somehow, someway, she will come, of that I am sure. She will be in pain, and we will help each other to heal. I will know when the time comes.

Until then I will sit and wait for Sadie to come home.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Well that week went quick! Whilst I wasn't looking, summer seems to have disappeared and has been replaced by the Winter! The heating has gone on, it was dark when I went to work and I put my coat on today for the first time this year! What happened? I have had my head down a bit though, between work and writing I havent had time to really notice the season ebbing away. Book Two, Albie's Story has been concieved and he is growing day by day. He will be putting in an appearance sometime next summer hopefully and I eagerly anticipate his arrival!
Meanwhile I would like to support a couple of writers I have sort of adopted and hope that you might take a look at their work and share it.
The poetry of Sadie Wheldon-Shaw (yes, she did inspire the name of my book, although it isn't about this particular Sadie....). A hugely talented young woman who deserves recognition.
Take a look at the work of Casey Harmon, who had his first book published at a young age and has further work now available.
I am rather in awe of this remarkable 13 year old young man who has had two novels published and has tips for other would be writers. Check out his web site and see what he has to say.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

To taste or not to taste? I'm not even published yet.....!

I have been inspired by authors putting tasters of their work on to their blogs and I think it's a really good idea. There has been the story this week in the paper about a young woman who was releasing her novel chapter by chapter onto a blog and recieved 17 million hits, resulting in a 6 figure book deal and plans for a sequel!!! Would that we all could manage that!! (I am, admittedly, just perfectly green with envy.....!!)

I am thinking about putting some sample work on here, although haven't made my mind up how much or which bit. The story is about a young woman who is bereaved when her soldier fiance is killed. She buys a dying old house which, it seems, is enchanted and is protecting her from harm. As she repairs the house, she is slowly repairing herself and she grows to love the place. There is a secret, however, which is revealed at the close, and it is clear that she was meant to be there, in more ways than she could possibly imagine. Ultimately, a great deal of sense comes out of her fiance's untimely demise.

I am also trying to be as supportive as possible as I can of other new artist's work - we are all fighting the same battles. I will be happy to share blogs and post publicity for others - perhaps we can all pay it forward...........

I have made a bit of a start on book 2 - it is climbing out of my head in the middle of the night and I am very excited. So......back to work.......!
see clip for video clip on the blog with all the hits!!!!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

50 hour week

I've been a bit quiet this week. As a teacher, I went back to work last week. It's a new job in a new school so lots of new things to learn and do. Consequently I have had long days trying to get my head around it all. It meant that I have not, as I had hoped, been able to make a start on Book 2, Albie's Story. I have, however, made a healthy start on the research, conducting interviews and reading some background material. I have the outline prepared, the characters lined up. All I need to do is come up with a hundred thousand words or so and I am good to go! Easy!!! i have been asking myself where exactly the story will go, but to be honest, that's part of the adventure. when I was writing Book One I went on the journey with my characters, and founhe process both thrilling and addictive. I still have 50 hour work weeks ahead, but somehow or other, I will find time to get going with book two. Albie is waiting.
PS I found this blog supporting teachers - some of you might be interested to have a read..........
woman asleep

Monday, 3 September 2012


Al-Rasub interview - hope you will take a look

1 more from my daughter

I have finished the first BIG EDIT, and now have a couple of people proof reading, so I am waiting to hear back from them. I have started organising my notes for book 2, but meanwhile I have gone back to work to my busy and stressful job as a teacher. I love it, but there is A LOT to do and I am going to have to organise my writing around what is expected of me in my new position (I just changed schools).
So a large glass of wine later, I have printed out the required 3 chapters, synposis and intro letter and now have to choose where to send it. There may be more changes yet, but I am tenacious.....

I know  photos grab attention more than endless rambling, so another from my daughters project on the supernatural, using her little cousin as the model. Again I am justifying it because of the supernatural element - humour me.......!
A special hello too to the international visitors to my blog, and a thanks also to the UK visitors, especially my Facebook friends, who are being patient with my endless plugs!