I've been a bit quiet this week. As a teacher, I went back to work last week. It's a new job in a new school so lots of new things to learn and do. Consequently I have had long days trying to get my head around it all. It meant that I have not, as I had hoped, been able to make a start on Book 2, Albie's Story. I have, however, made a healthy start on the research, conducting interviews and reading some background material. I have the outline prepared, the characters lined up. All I need to do is come up with a hundred thousand words or so and I am good to go! Easy!!! i have been asking myself where exactly the story will go, but to be honest, that's part of the adventure. when I was writing Book One I went on the journey with my characters, and founhe process both thrilling and addictive. I still have 50 hour work weeks ahead, but somehow or other, I will find time to get going with book two. Albie is waiting.
PS I found this blog supporting teachers - some of you might be interested to have a read..........
Well I'm a right role model for writing aren't I! Is it ok to blame the lap top? I can see a few mistakes in the above passage! Note to self - proof read blog posts before actually posting!