Now I have got over the shock of losing my work when my USB stick corrupted (note to self, email everything to my inbox!) I am taking advantage of some of the half term holiday to plough on with Albie. This has been very therapeutic, as I now feel that I am making better progress. However, as I am rather schitzophrenic in that I have many personalities, only one of those is the aspiring author. Others include mother, wife, daughter, sister, teacher, friend and cleaner (!). Trying to fulfill all of my obligations and responsibilities becomes rather huge. I also decided to add cook to that the other day and spent several hours experimenting with mini cheesecakes - but that's a whole other story. Add to that the many people who have taken up residence in my head and are trying to come out onto paper (well, lap top for now) can imagine I am constantly in a state of turmoil!!!!!
So my quandry is, do I put the writing away and get on with tidying the house? Or do I leave the housework, visit my beautiful parents, who I see every week but wish I saw more. Do I take my son out for lunch, prepare some lessons for next week or carry on writing. I also need to hit the gym some time today.......
Not that I'm complaining, but I could do with a few more hours in each day.......!
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