I am rather ashamed to admit that I haven't done much in the way of writing for the last couple of weeks. Is this normal this whole "being a writer" is a bit new to me. Don't get me wrong, I have always put my thoughts, ideas and inspirations down in some form or other, and am not at the stage of calling myself "writer" or "author" just yet, but I am aspiring to the title. So what is "normal" - does such a thing even exist?
Is it an excuse to say that I have been planning parties? We had one Big Birthday a couple of weeks ago, and now have another for the younger son next week. I am a bit of a nightmare, I admit, and swung into action organizing the gazebo and the decorations...(can you imagine what a pain I am going to be when they get married!). So between that and working full time, I have had little time for writing. But if I want to be A. Writer, should I be writing all of the time? What are the rules? Are there any? Am I subconsciously delaying writing because I have decided to start again? Does it make any difference? (does it really even matter?!)
Well the party is on Friday, and I am actually off to Bruge for a couple of days before then, so I will see if I get back into a writing routine after that. If not, what does that mean? Do I have writer's block? I will be looking for assistance if I do, and will be very interested to know what people do when they are afflicted thus!
Meanwhile, have a great week!
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