Saturday, 7 September 2013


This week I had a conversation with one of my sons about new technology and `how it all works`. Now I don't know if I understood this properly, so I am experimenting with # (hashtag, for anyone, like me, not in the know). Apparently if I use # followed by a word then it will show up on subjects that are `trending`, and may lead to more readers. Worth a try, anyway. So you will see that particular symbol pop up for a while now on my posts, and I will take a look and see if it looks as if it is in fact making any difference.
It's all changed since back in the day when you had to send a letter or go to the phone box if you wanted to get a message out...... (and it's NOT all that long ago..)

I was inspired by some other blogs I read (by other aspiring authors on a similar journey to mine),. I was struck by the wonderfully positive messages given out. One wrote about several authors who had had their work rejected many times, but because they had persevered, had finally got there. This, as I am sure you know, includes the likes of    #JK Rowling  and it is quite reassuring, I think, to know that it may be just around the corner. One lady, apparently had work rejected 60 time, and was published at the 61st attempt. The author (Sandie Docker - you can find her link from my page) writes in a wonderfully reassuring manner and is most entertaining at the same time. Am I to expect rejection? Isn't it, in any case, good for the soul? And if work is rejected - well isn't that just somebody's opinion? It doesn't make them right.  So I would recommend you take a look at Sandie's page (I don't want to plagiarise, and I couldn't put it as well in any case!)  but I will reinforce what she says. If you are writing, if you are looking to be published, if you are getting rejections - keep on going. there may be times when you feel like chucking in the towel, but don't. Someone somewhere will be waiting. You just have to find them.

Now, lets see -
#positivity #publishing #trending

no idea what I am doing, but never was one to not have a go!

Meanwhile, have a great week!

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