Wednesday, 13 August 2014

This is really happening!

My book arrived the other day! This was very exciting and it has become very real. I have ordered some copies and am now making plans for marketing and publicity. I did read on the internet somewhere (so it must be true....???) that marketing is the thing that authors and writers are least good at, so I am trying my best to think of everything I can to get my name and the book out there. So far I have contacted a publicity company and arranged a press release to national and local media, a google ad, plans for bookmarks and key rings, the possibility of an informal meet and greet/signing event in a local bar/café, preparations to contact libraries and I have made assorted contacts with regard to signing events.
But guess what! I am off on holiday on Friday! I have promised the family that I will leave it alone whilst we are away - after all it all becomes a bit of a madness doesn't it! All of this, on top of writing the sequel, social networking, updating the website, looking for new ideas, etc etc. Did I know it was going to be this much hard work? Would it have made any difference it I  had known?

I know there are assorted websites I can contact and I am interested in building my blog with guest bloggers in return for the favour, but I don't know how to do that yet. Undaunted by this prospect, I will soldier on. If anyone has any other ideas that you might be willing to share for marketing, I would be very grateful! But its all very exciting!

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