Monday, 6 July 2015

Book 2 and a broken leg....

I have finally finished the first draft of the second in the Sadie's House series!!! And what a journey it has been. First of all, is the fact that it changed title earlier this year - books seem to have a habit of making their own mind up along the way and it became apparent that the book is so much more that Albie's story. The book is filled with secrets, with two bombshell, hopefully jaw dropping suprises and has now been renamed "Sadie's House; The Secrets" I am now in the process of editing - this will take a while. Those of you who have followed my story will know that I published the first book in a hurry, for very personal reasons and although I have no regrets, it was apparent that there were quite a few errors that should have been picked up in proof reading but were not. So this time I want to take my time and have it as perfect as I am possibly can.

I have had a bit of a delay due to the fact that in May I broke my leg. Have to say I indulged in quite the pity party for a while. We had been due to have a ski lesson the day before (a gift from our children), which I cancelled as I did not want any breakages as we were off to Cyprus the following week. the VERY next morning, on my way to the gym, I fell our of the front door, down two concrete steps and broke my leg so badly that I have endured 5 hours of operations, almost 2 week in hospital, weeks at home off work and now face months of physiotherapy. Needless to say we did not get to Cyprus (note to everyone - GET TRAVEL INSURANCE WHEN YOU BOOK A HOLIDAY! - we did - 3 days before my accident!!). I thought (hoped) I might be well enough for a long planned and much anticipated holiday with our grown children and their partners to Florida in August but 3 weeks ago was told that no, I would be unfit to fly due to the risk of deep vein thrombosis. so I have sulked to the point of getting on my own nerves. I have had a word with myself, as people have much worse things happen, but it has been a crushing disappointment. In all sorts of ways we have not had a good year, but after the initial bout of tears and tantrums, I took advantage of some of the time off and finished the first draft, so some good has come out of it.

In 2 weeks we are also playing host to a little girl from Chernobyl. A group of children are coming over for a month to give a boost to their health, so I am working on the physio and trying to get as fit as possible for then. I will post more about that later.

Hope everyone else out there in in cyber-world is fit and well and that those of you writing are making progress and achieving all that you would hope for.

Have a great day

  (This would have been me, only I had to cancel my holidays!)

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