Saturday, 12 October 2013

Busy busy busy #MacmillanCancer

So this month has been jam packed with frantic activity. Not content with preparing to start sending Sadie out and working on the sequel, I have started writing a children's book. I can be a bit schizophrenic like that......... I was looking for a particular type of book for my Y8 class at school and couldn't find it anywhere - checked Amazon and all the usual book shops, so decided to put it together for myself. Its a none fiction book, and I have some of my class helping me, and it shouldn't take long, but it's another little venture that has kept me out of mischief! I will let you know how that goes, as I would love to get it published, for them as much as for me.

A couple of weeks ago we held a coffee morning for the Macmillan Cancer Nurse Charity which raised over £200 - family and friends all came to our house to eat cake made by myself, my sisters and mum. It was a beautiful day and we were very happy with the result, although it took me an hour and a half to count and bag the money, then further delays when the cashier in the bank made a mistake.......why does everything have to be so complicated!!!!! But all in a good cause, so please take a look.

Last week we had The Inspectors in school, which is quite stressful, and whilst I like to think that I teach every lesson as if I were being observed, you are still double conscious of crossing every T and dotting every I. (I got GOOD, by the way, big relief.....). then came a VERY long day trip to a conference in London. Next week I have two days away on training events. Now my son is just on the verge of signing for his first house and I see lots of decorating ahead.......and in between all of this I decided to make some rag dolls.....

None of this is a complaint, by the way, or an excuse for unfinished work. I spent a very busy time last week writing and posting so still making progress. My plans for the next few weeks include contacting agents, completing my children's book and making further progress with Albie. It's a long journey, this one I am undertaking, but that's exactly what it is, a journey. And isn't that the important bit, rather than the destination? I'm finding every bit of the whole process absolutely fascinating. If anything comes of it (and I am nothing if not the most tenacious person in the entire world......) then even better, and if not, then I will have still learned  a lot. And what bits I can, I will share.

Meanwhile, have a great week (or month, depending on how long it is until next time!!!!)

Saturday, 7 September 2013


This week I had a conversation with one of my sons about new technology and `how it all works`. Now I don't know if I understood this properly, so I am experimenting with # (hashtag, for anyone, like me, not in the know). Apparently if I use # followed by a word then it will show up on subjects that are `trending`, and may lead to more readers. Worth a try, anyway. So you will see that particular symbol pop up for a while now on my posts, and I will take a look and see if it looks as if it is in fact making any difference.
It's all changed since back in the day when you had to send a letter or go to the phone box if you wanted to get a message out...... (and it's NOT all that long ago..)

I was inspired by some other blogs I read (by other aspiring authors on a similar journey to mine),. I was struck by the wonderfully positive messages given out. One wrote about several authors who had had their work rejected many times, but because they had persevered, had finally got there. This, as I am sure you know, includes the likes of    #JK Rowling  and it is quite reassuring, I think, to know that it may be just around the corner. One lady, apparently had work rejected 60 time, and was published at the 61st attempt. The author (Sandie Docker - you can find her link from my page) writes in a wonderfully reassuring manner and is most entertaining at the same time. Am I to expect rejection? Isn't it, in any case, good for the soul? And if work is rejected - well isn't that just somebody's opinion? It doesn't make them right.  So I would recommend you take a look at Sandie's page (I don't want to plagiarise, and I couldn't put it as well in any case!)  but I will reinforce what she says. If you are writing, if you are looking to be published, if you are getting rejections - keep on going. there may be times when you feel like chucking in the towel, but don't. Someone somewhere will be waiting. You just have to find them.

Now, lets see -
#positivity #publishing #trending

no idea what I am doing, but never was one to not have a go!

Meanwhile, have a great week!

Monday, 2 September 2013

Africa and South America

Just a quickie - looking at my audience I am reaching lots of people and would like to say Hello today to Africa, from North to South, and the whole of South America! hope to see some views pop up from there sometime!

Sunday, 1 September 2013


I have spent a considerable amount of time editing, and today completed Sadie's House, the revised edition!! Now there may be those of you who think that I should have done this in the first place, and I had. It has now been edited, read, revised, re read and revised again about 5 times. and somewhere you have to stop. I might have more ideas in another 6 months, or 16 months, or 6 years, but I can't keep going over it!

 I had some really useful feedback from the first (revised and edited) edition, and this has led to me taking out parts of the story which, although I knew were well written, were not actually contributing anything to the story. It was painful, but I have removed over 13000 words of text!! Ouch! I had added other details along the way, which have moved the story and helped to develop characters more productively, and I am very happy with the result.

I had seen the note below along the way, which suggested to me that at over 110000 word, the story was in any case, a bit too long, so this is another reason why I have done the right thing. I have also found a publisher  who I am very excited about and am preparing to approach, (but I will save details of that next particular venture until a later date!!) I am very excited about the book.
How long should your novel be?
According to agents in today’s market here’s the word count for your average commercial literary novel:
Below 70,000: Too short
100,000 or above: Too long
75,000 – 90,000: Sweet spot

Meanwhile, summer seems to have come and gone all too quickly. I have other interests, and have spent a busy summer travelling with family, catching up with friends, making rag dolls, baking and a week spent in summer school for the new year group. Now comes the imminent return to school and writing will have to be confined to working around my family. The nights are drawing in already, September is here and winter is waiting around the corner. I refuse to mention the festive ~C word just yet, but it's there, waiting - cards are in the shops already! Yikes - where does the time go!

So happy end of summer to everyone - I will be blogging more frequently now the Big Edit is done, although my good friend Albie is tapping me on the shoulder now so I will have to pay him a visit.
Have a great week!

PS Sadie's House; The Key is now in the `sweet spot` at just over 97000 words!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Big Edit

I had already started The Big Edit before I saw the link below. But it was comforting to see that I am on the right track. So here's the latest.......

A couple of weeks ago I had had a message from the previously mentioned (but un-named) publisher, reducing the price for publication and offering payment by instalments. I have politely declined, as that is not the way that I hoped publication of my book would go, but thanked them sincerely for their interest and strengthened my resolve to continue. Now that my children have finished with college for the time being, I have a bit more time to bury my head back in my work.

And so The Big Edit has begun. I have a range of ideas, and whilst Albie is taking a back seat for the time being, work on the editing of Sadie is underway. I am making changes to the beginning, culling unnecessary parts without losing the integrity of the story and adding one or two features that I feel enhance and develop the story that bit further. So far it is going well, and I am very happy with the results. I will then start to submit to publishers again when I have finished.

I have said all along that I am not in a rush; it took me this long to write a book in the first place, I am not desperate to publish as soon as possible, at any cost. but I do still have self publishing at the back of my mind, and I am happy that if needs must, then that is the way I will go. But I have to say, I love my book, it is the book I would choose to read and I am proud of it.

The rest will follow in its own time.

So good luck to fellow writers in the same boat. Keep going, always believe, and like I said before, anything is possible!!!

Have a great week! x

Monday, 27 May 2013

Apppreciating the good things

Its the Spring Bank half term now, and this time last year I was beavering away at my first book, wondering if I would be able to finish it and where the journey would lead. My two younger kids are in the final throes of college work at the moment, and I have abandoned my own writing, as any parent would do, to be on hand with revision support, supper and sympathy, and to nurture, blackmail, bribe and cajole them through the final stages. That is my priority right now.

I'm not particularly in a hurry, but after the brief excitement of possible publication, I have some work yet to do on the first book. By the end of the year I would like this done and resubmitted for publication, and for the second to be coming to a close. By the end of next year I hope to have all three books completed. We will see, won't we.

Bearing in mind the atrocity that happened in Woolwich last week, it seems that we are often hell bent in pursuit of our dreams at the expense of the many good things that already exist in our lives. My deepest sympathies go to the family of that young soldier - it makes you stop and think about what's important. Take a moment to feel grateful that you haven't had to suffer such devastating and outrageous tragedy, and to appreciate what you do have. As good as any writer likes to think that they are with words, there are none that can bring that family any solace. Hold your family tight and give thanks that you have them. Enough said.

Meanwhile, I have a busy week, a birthday (not another one!!!), some revision with my Y11s and a house to clean. Hope to get back to Sadie very soon!
Meanwhile, as always, have a great week!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

this is brilliant - please share

Ok so it's my son, so I am a bit biased. but please take a look at the music video he and his friends made for a college project. That's him dancing, and he's pretty good, but the whole film is great!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Next Step

So, what to do now?
This week my life was rather overtaken by school inspection and so no writing. People, particularly students, are often very vocal about "how everything changes" the minute the inspectors are coming. I have vehemently disagreed with this. It may be true for one or two, but I like to think that I prepare inspection ready lessons every time and they found it hard to disagree with this.

Teachers can't be completely perfect every minute of every single day (and we may  try!!!!) but  we try to show our best selves, even more so when on display.We work long hard hours in a difficult and stressful job, only to be continueally harrassed by people who think we do 6 hours a day for 40 weeks a year. Recent government suggestions were that there should be a longer school day and shorter holidays. Come and do the job first for a few weeks, then decide,because after a week of 10 hour days and work eating into most of the holidays, you will change your mind. We can all bash each other's professions, can't we!

Anyway, rant over, we now await the results. My lessons weren't observed, which is a  shame really.

So now I have to decide on my next step. After the excitement of possible publication, and after declining the offer of paying to publish, I have contacted the publisher and thanked them for their consideration. I am going to re - edit Sadie and spend the next 3 months submitting to other publishers. I have been lifted by feedback such as "very unique story" and "we like your style of writing", but I'm not naive. Meanwhile I have been torn, becuase in the writing of Albie, it has become clear to me that this might be better as the third book, and that the book I had planned as the second, "The Healer" would work better as the second. So I have got some work to do. For now, though, the gym is calling, as that is where I get many of my ideas.

Meanwhile, as always, have a great week. It's nearly summer!!!!!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Quick update

After further investigation, I have decided to decline, and so will not be in print just yet. Its a bit disappointing but the point of all this was to share my journey as much as possible. I am not remotely discouraged, it is another story that I will tell when I finally get there (ever the optimist!!). Back to the drawing board, further submissions and further investigation into the world of self publishing, at least for the first book. We will see where the journey takes me.

And big thanks to all my Google friends who had very helpful comments and advice. Further proof, if I needed it, that writing a blog was a really good idea!

Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A bit of exciting news?

Well I hadn't realised that it was 3 weeks since my last post, the longest I have gone without blogging! ooops! I have been busy with one thing or another, but we can all make that excuse, can't we. I was waiting for news, amongst other things, and I didn't want to keep teasing you with "things going on behind the scenes" for ever. Would you have got a bit impatient?

So here is the news. A while ago, a publisher, who for now shall remain nameless, expressed an interest in my book, and asked for the full script. You can only imaging how hard that has been to keep to myself, but I didn't want to jinx it (superstitious I know). Then came the news that I had been hoping for - they liked it!
Well, you just knew there would be a BUT, didn't you!
It had to go to marketing and publicity for their view, and I waited and waited, finally hearing the other day that it had been met with a positive response, but as I am unknown and untried, I am of course, a risk. and therein lies the rub. I have been asked to pay a contribution towards the cost of publication.

So I need to do my research now - is this normal practice? It's a large company and I am thrilled at the prospect of being published with them, but I am unsure about how to proceed. Would I be better off self publishing?  Does that carry the same kudos? Or am I better off with the support of a large organisation? Should I just risk it anyway? Should I be voicing my concerns to the publisher first before airing them?

I am hoping that my very kind Google friends might be able to share their thoughts and opinions on the matter so that I may try to  reach a more balanced decision. I will keep you up to date in between my other (more regular!!!) posts, and meanwhile, fingers crossed that I make the right decision!

As always, have a great week! xx

ps picture looks a bit like me with my cat when I up thinking all night!!!.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The art of timing social media posts - weblink

I never really thought about this before, and I'm not really considering it right now, but I will in future, and some of you might find it worth a try!

timing social media posts

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

My heart will go on.....

If this song hadn't already been snatched up for another story (I don't know, something about a big boat sinking....) then I would absolutely insist that this was the theme tune for Sadie's House. Utterly beautiful.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Aspiring writers might find this useful!

Being the eternal optimist...

I was just posting on Facebook, and thought, well it's just as appropriate here! When my book, as yet unpublished, is made into the film, I would quite like this song to be included. It doesn't translate quite as poetically into English as it sounds in French, but the words echo beautifully the heartbreak of the heroine in the first half of the story. I think it is just one of the most haunting and beautiful songs I ever heard, and  is right  up there with Celine Dion (Heart Will Go On). I never heard it before someone posted a dance routine from Romania (I think, but not sure) Got Talent type show and tracked it down through Google.( Now there is a phrase I never knew as a child that I would be saying!) It would be a most appropriate piece of music to accompany Sadie's House, (you will have to read the book/see the film to fully appreciate why!)

I'm nothing if not optimistic!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Reading in the bath

I started reading a new book the other day. It was one that the daughter had read and said that it would make me cry. It has been made into a film, and I have seen that film, and don't normally hold by the idea of seeing the film first. It's never the same. Anyway, I digress. I was taking a long hot and well deserved soak in the bath, and so picked up this book to read.

A couple of things struck me. In the book, the young man is dying, and he proclaims his regret at not having the privilege of getting old. Having already started to dread my next birthday, in May, this made me rethink the idea of clocking up further numbers on the birthday counter. I mentally chastised myself. I had unwittingly started to consider how I was not going to bother with my birthday this year, would let it pass quietly and without any fuss and in fact almost pretend it wasn't happening. Last year was a big birthday, which I celebrated by writing the book I had promised myself my whole life. That done, I have stumbled and faltered with the sequel but with less urgency.

The point to all this, and the realisation I came to, was that it IS a privilege to get older and that we shouldn't take it for granted. I SHOULD celebrate! To celebrate being alive and rejoice in everything I am so grateful for. If my book is published, that will be a happy bonus, but if not, well it's not actually the end of the world, is it.  Its still a couple of months away, but I have stopped being bothered by it quite so much. Like my friends say, it's only a number.

The other thing that struck me was how the book was written - the language used, the plot, the structure and so on. It is a "nice" book (don't hate me for using that word - not the writer's best choice of vocabulary, I know) but it cheered me no end that I know, I mean I absolutely KNOW that my book is at least as well written and with just as interesting a plot. Now I just have to make someone else to realise my vision. That book has been massively successful and I feel even more that Sadie has a future. The "things going on behind the scenes" are still going on so we will wait and see how that pans out. I think a bit of self belief is important if you are going to get anywhere - why bother if you don't think you have a chance?

 All things considered, although I have only read the first few chapters of the book, I am rather pleased with myself that I did so. And, by the way, the only place I seem to get chance to read is in the bath, being a busy mum, wife, teacher, writer, baker of cakes and all round creative person, I don't really get much peace and quiet.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.....

Meanwhile, as always, have a great week!
 (not me in the photo, by the way! )

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Another cake!

Think I  mentioned that I had been busy with another birthday a few weeks ago - here's a photo of the birthday cake for this one. Feeling a bit chuffed with myself, have to say! (Made the cake and helmet, but had to buy the bike - still............)

Submitting articles to magazines

Not everyone is trying to write a novel, and I had a look at some tips for submitting articles to magazines. You might find this interesting, although I seem to be struggling to post automatic links - copy to address bar to take a look.

Essential Steps to Submitting an Article to a Magazine

Friday, 22 March 2013

Are you writing a book?

hoping this link works, but if not, just copy and paste into address bar to take a look.

Book Publishers UK

Finding the Perfect Book Publisher In The UK

You come up with an idea and pen your thoughts. After creating a manuscript, you decide to sell your work to a book publishing company and try to get published—only to hear the news that it wouldn’t sell. That’s when self-publishing comes in. But finding the right self-publisher in the United Kingdom can be time-consuming. With a lot of publishing companies out in the market, deciding on the best can be a tedious process.
If you are looking for the perfect publisher to submit a manuscript to, there’s no need to look any further. We at Book Publishers UK know what’s best for you. With one click, a complete range of publishing packages and services and tools are available for you to choose from. Whether you’re writing a children’s book, poetry book, autobiography, or even a memoir, you can customise your publishing experience and still retain the rights to your written work. Take the leap towards becoming a full-fledged author with a book to call your own living legacy. Your ideas are too priceless to be left unnoticed, so go ahead and let us help you immortalise your words on the pages of a book.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Just thought this was funny - especially the Einstein one.....

Follow your dreams - repost

I saw this on a post and it just about sums up where I am coming from!

An epiphany

I hope to have some exciting news to share next week. Well, I will have news to share, fingers crossed that it will be exciting, but it will be a massive update on what has been going on. If things haven't worked out as I hoped, then I will share what my next steps will be - after all the whole point of this in the first place was to share my journey, and I feel a bit mean that I have been keeping certain things to myself. I have never been one to sit about waiting for things to happen to me - I am a big believer in making things happen for yourself  after all we only get one life don't we? (Not a Buddhist, obviously....)

So whilst waiting, I have been reviewing where I am up to with my writing, what to do next and how to proceed, as you do. I have struggled with making progress on Book 2, not with the writing, but simply with the fact that something didn't feel right and I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. This is the thing - The epiphany. I am not sure if Albie should be Book 3, and that Book 3 should in fact be Book 2. Should I currently be working on the follow up? 

I know this makes no difference to anyone really, but as I am just sharing my thoughts, well, this is where I am at. I would hope, at best, that readers would become so involved in the characters that they want to know what comes next, where as currently Book 2 is the prequel. The prequel explains certain things in Book 1, so I now have this dilemma.

I'm sure I will work it out, and thanks for staying with me this far, as I am very aware that I am rambling a little! I will continue to follow other writers as I am extremely interested in the journey of others struggling with writing dilemmas of all kinds. Good luck to all of us!

Have a great week!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Happy Mother's Day! Please pass on x

My mum is amazing. She is well into her seventies (although would not thank me for telling you that!) and is the most thoughtful, considerate, selfless, kind and loving person I have ever known, and she is a true inspiration. She has had a fruitful working life, raised 3 girls and is now happily retired. At my age (refusing to disclose! hehe) I am very lucky to still have her, and many of my friends are much less fortunate. We don't always appreciate what we have until we don't have it any more, but this is certainly not the case with me and my mum. I see her every week, speak to her every few days, text her regularly and hope to continue for a long time yet to come. I am a lucky girl indeed.

So on Mother's Day, I just wanted to spread the love. I know that we are all busy, and the writers amongst you being busy means that you have lots to write about and once you are in the zone, you are gone for as long as it takes. But shouldn't we all take time, if we can, to show a little appreciation to those we love, whilst we can? Not only mum, but all of those supporting us whilst we try to make our dreams come true?

Anyway, happy Mother's Day, Mum. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given, not only in my writing, but in everything.
I love you.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

please share - Tiny Dancer

Just wanted to share with you a video by up and coming young singer Tiny Dancer. I have watched this young lady grow up and she is very talented - she has big things ahead of her and I just know she is going to do brilliantly. Remember the name!!

how long to wait?

Its been an eventful few weeks, which is why my writing has slowed on here a bit, and I am feeling an enormous sense of anticlimax right now. After a big 18th birthday, a trip to Belgium on a mini cruise and then a big 21st party for which I baked, shopped, decorated, shopped, made a film montage and baked again, it suddenly hit me how old my children actually are (and how old does that make me....?)

So I have done very little writing of any kind over the last few weeks, and hardly been to the gym, and now it's time to get back into a routine. I pondered my previous decision to rewrite the beginning of Albie, and have made no move here for now - my brain activity during my promised recent gym workout led me in the direction of leaving things as they are for now and editing later. How long do I wait before I make my mind up? (rhetorical question only - I will get there....!)

In addition to this is my impatience at waiting whilst "things" are going on behind the scenes with regard to Sadie's House. How long do I wait if nothing else is happening? What exactly IS happening? Where, with whom, and in what capacity. An exercise in patience indeed, and no doubt good for the soul, but I am itching  to get things moving. how long do I wait?????

Meanwhile, back to the storyboard, and I will keep on passing any useful tips and information that I come across.
Have a great week - Spring is just around the corner!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Writers block???

I am rather ashamed to admit that I haven't done much in the way of writing for the last couple of weeks. Is this normal this whole "being a writer" is a bit new to me. Don't get me wrong, I have always put my thoughts, ideas and inspirations down in some form or other, and am not at the stage of calling myself "writer" or "author" just yet, but I am aspiring to the title. So what is "normal" - does such a thing even exist?

Is it an excuse to say that I have been planning parties? We had one Big Birthday a couple of weeks ago, and now have another for the younger son next week. I am a bit of a nightmare, I admit, and swung into action organizing the gazebo and the  decorations...(can you imagine what a pain I am going to be when they get married!). So between that and working full time, I have had little time for writing. But if I want to be A. Writer, should  I be writing all of the time? What are the rules? Are there any? Am I subconsciously delaying writing because I have decided to start again? Does it make any difference? (does it really even matter?!)

Well the party is on Friday,  and I am actually off to Bruge for a couple of days before then, so I will see if I get back into a writing routine after that. If not, what does that mean? Do I have writer's block? I will be looking for assistance if I do, and will be very interested to know what people do when they are afflicted thus!

Meanwhile, have a great week!

A little something to help increase your traffic....

Blogs! Keep Them Coming Back For More!

| Developing Quality Blog Content

Blogs blog copy Blogs! Keep Them Coming Back For More! | Developing Quality Blog Content


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The rub

It's been a rather eventful week, what with a Big birthday, snow here and there (very  much here today, and I had to abandon my car half way to work and walk back home!) I also went back to the gym after a three week break, and have picked up my three times a week exercise regime again. One of the things I love about going to the gym (and there arn't many, believe me, I find exercise BORING!) is that it makes my brain work. and it needs all the help it can get. So in between all the rush of ideas for new storylines and new books, poems and songs that write themselves in my head (and then half the time I can't remember later....!) was the sudden realisation that I had not been working on my current book as much as I should.

And therin lies the rub. I am not happy with it.It dawned on me that I have spent too much time delving into the history of assorted characters instead of getting on with the story. I have swung from one period in time to another and back again with little justification and have not felt the same sense of satisfaction that I was feeling as I was writing the first. So I am going to start again, and it has taken me a while to admit it.

I am not unhappy with the writing itself, and some may reappear later, or in another book - no writing is wasted, and I believe that something is learned from all experiences. I will use some parts of what I have written, but I am going to start again. The whole trilogy is about a magic house; I want to focus a bit more on that. and I will begin with the immortal, if unoriginal words, "Once upon a time"  (there was a house...)  and take it from there.

Wish me luck....

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Look what I made!!!

I had a bit of a change from writing this week. It is the daughter's 18th birthday on Tuesday, and amongst the treats, I promised her a cake. We have been looking at some old family videos and she saw the assorted cake characters I have created over the years. Now I don't call myself a baker or cake maker by any standards, and I certainly cannot hold a candle to Buddy and co (Cake Boss). But I don't think that the results of my efforts this week are too shabby. I am always bursting with creative energy, and this was an outlet that made a pleasant change because I haven't made a birthday cake in, well AGES!!!!!. Perhaps I will write about it.  (Oh......I am doing!!!)

Anyway.....I have chapters to get on with now......(kids!)

Before You Submit Your Work…

For those of you who are still looking for representation from an agent or a publisher, here are some useful interviews –
Read these Brit Writers interviews with some literary agents and experts and follow their advice



Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Snow Day

So it snowed. I don't know what happens in the rest of the world but we in the Uk have to have a little chuckle (or a moan) to ourselves every year when the white stuff comes and the whole country grinds to a shivering halt for a while.What it meant for me was a snow day - the school I work in is on fairly high ground and the inches of snow that fell meant that traffic was not able to move freely and the school had to make the decision to close. I get a bit irritated by the teacher bashers, who then go on to complain about school closures - I realise the inconvenience of course but nowadays lots of teachers live many miles away from the schools. If they can't get in, the school can't open to the pupils - there is a health and safety issue in inadequate supervision and its that simple. In any case my son walked to his school, which was open, and only a quater of the pupils turned up. Hey ho.



Snow causes school closures and travel disruption - Monday 21 January

• More snow expected with temperatures set to fall
• Heathrow cancels 1 in 10 flights amid de-icer issues
• School closures across England and Wales

So I had an unexpected day off! Yey!! which meant a bit of cleaning and baking, and then several hours of glorious uninterupted writing. I polished off a couple of poems, entered two into a competition (I'll let you know how that goes!) and set about progressing with Albie. I'm a bit irritated with myself, as I inadvertantly moved some of the text about, and later realised that I had given away a rather large secret early on in chapter 5, so will have to cut and paste and  move it out of the way for now. I am not into editing too much as I write, but it will cause me difficulties if I don't. I have the skeleton of the whole story written down in my note book so there was no excuse for this. Don't know what I was thinking! Ah the trials and tribulations of writing!
Meanwhile I will continue to add little useful snippets that I pick up along the way with regard to writing and publishing. Thank you for your continued support. "Things" still happening in the wings, and I will let you know anything as soon as I can. Have a great week!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Read This! Info on how to make quality submissions

Q&A With Jonny Geller, Joint CEO - and Managing Director of books - at Curtis Brown Literary Agency
Free advice and feedback for all fiction writers on how to submit their fiction to slush-piles.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Which way to go?

interesting and worth a look!

One British author disagreed with the current rate of royalties paid to authors from digital sales. So he created a new publisher to try and create an alternative

Read more:

Saturday, 12 January 2013

bloggers hosting other bloggers

I am quite interested in this idea, thought others might be too. Would be interested in how you get on.

Authors Hosting Authors

This forum is to set up interviews with other authors on your blogs. If you are offering a new host, then please start a new thread:
World Literary Cafe

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

help me to support you

As  a relative newbie to all this, I would like to express my interest in supporting other writers.  I know that bloggers  can have guest bloggers, and add links to other blogs and web sites.I don't know how to do this, so if any one can send me details, I will happily oblige.

heres hoping......

#Photo: Anyone have any good resolutions?

although I am 5  chapters in now........

Useful link for indie writers

I  thought that this article was really interesting - take a look for yourself. Looks like a useful blog /site to follow

'Top Ten Things I’ve Learned As An Indie Author ' Mollly Greene
TopTenBlueBook-istockphoto paid

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Please support this author

There are three reasons to take a look at this author's  blog and links.
1) His work looks very exciting and I certainly will be purchasing a copy and sharing with the children I teach. You might want to take a look for yourself.
2) You can help a fellow author to make progress with his work, and accomplish his ambitions
3) I have learned loads from seeing  how Casey has publicised and marketed his book. I have been very impressed and you might learn  a few things from him too.

Please take a look at this blog AND help to spread  the word by sharing - after all, if we can't support each other.....

Facebook Me!!!

One last quick word for today - you can find me on Facebook - Sadie's House Book One - The Key (type in search...?) - if you navigate your way there please click like (and add as friend?)

and also on Twitter  @Sadies_house

see you there!

Post Christmas Blues

So I am back from my holiday, and like many I suspect I feeling a sense of anticlimax following the holiday period. I have been very fortunate to spend the week away in beautiful countryside, spent half the time in a hot tub and just generally chilled out with my family. I did quite a bit of writing, but found myself writing prose and poetry, as well as continuing with Albie. I hadn't really excpected that. I have updated the poetry page, and will keep doing so until I find out how to add posts to that page (if enyone can enlighten me I would be most grateful - when I type in anything new it deletes anything I had already written and alters the post. I have to keep updating the one post!). I was in awe at the beauty of the sky, the sunsets, the brightness of the stars, and all the time realising that I was being rather corny and unoriginal, could not help but put pen to paper to record  my expereinces.

We stayed in a delightful old renovated barn - Stimmey Barn, to be exact, near Whitchurch in Shropshire (highly recommended!) and were well looked after. We spent lots of time visiting historic towns - Chester, Market Drayton, Whitchurch, Ellesmere and enjoyed shopping, walking and drinks in cosy pubs. So now it's pretty much back to reality.

 I hope that you are all well rested and in good spirits. Last year saw quite a few unanticipated changes in my life, not all as I would wish for, but I have lots to be thankful for. My proudest moment was finishing the book that I had promised myself my whole life. I have lots of wishes for this new year, not least of which is to make really great progress with publication. As soon as things get going I will let you know, but like I said, things are going on behind the scenes - I am learning that these things take time and that I must be patient.

Good luck to all the writers, authors and poets out there (and to everyone else, of course...!) - may you have all the inspiration you can write about and all the success you desire. Now, let's get busy....
