A couple of weeks ago we held a coffee morning for the Macmillan Cancer Nurse Charity which raised over £200 - family and friends all came to our house to eat cake made by myself, my sisters and mum. It was a beautiful day and we were very happy with the result, although it took me an hour and a half to count and bag the money, then further delays when the cashier in the bank made a mistake.......why does everything have to be so complicated!!!!! But all in a good cause, so please take a look.
Last week we had The Inspectors in school, which is quite stressful, and whilst I like to think that I teach every lesson as if I were being observed, you are still double conscious of crossing every T and dotting every I. (I got GOOD, by the way, big relief.....). then came a VERY long day trip to a conference in London. Next week I have two days away on training events. Now my son is just on the verge of signing for his first house and I see lots of decorating ahead.......and in between all of this I decided to make some rag dolls.....
None of this is a complaint, by the way, or an excuse for unfinished work. I spent a very busy time last week writing and posting so still making progress. My plans for the next few weeks include contacting agents, completing my children's book and making further progress with Albie. It's a long journey, this one I am undertaking, but that's exactly what it is, a journey. And isn't that the important bit, rather than the destination? I'm finding every bit of the whole process absolutely fascinating. If anything comes of it (and I am nothing if not the most tenacious person in the entire world......) then even better, and if not, then I will have still learned a lot. And what bits I can, I will share.
Meanwhile, have a great week (or month, depending on how long it is until next time!!!!)