Monday 8 October 2012

Mistakes - I avoided a few

I have pages and pages of notes now for Albie. Down at the gym the other day, I was struck by an idea for a twist in the tale, and have written the skeleton to the whole story.  Yesterday I spent over an hour on research about divorce and the names of film stars (as two separate subjeccts!) in the 1920s. The I realised that I had confused myself, because I was actually still writing about 1908 at the time, to set a bit of historical context to the story. So that research was somewhat wasted, and had to be repeated this time using the correct time frame. All this for about 5 lines of text!!!!But there is no excuse nowadays, with the availabilty of endless information at our fingertips, to make stupid mistakes and not get historical facts correct. I enjoyed the whole process, and as Albie grows day by day, I watch fondly over him, guide and direct him, and he is flourishing. Like Sadie, the book seems to be writing itself and I am merely a vehicel through which the words appear on the screen. Can't wait to see how it all turns out! xxx

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